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4 min read

Giving Broadband the Green Light Part 3: Your Path to a Plan (or Study)

Welcome to part three in our nine-part broadband-deployment series. We’ll explain why you need a roadmap for closing the digital divide in your community and how you can make it happen. You’ve got two basic methods for creating your broadband...

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2 min read

Giving Broadband the Green Light Part 2: How to Advocate for Lightning-Fast Internet

In part one of our series,, we reviewed why broadband access and affordability matters for your community. Now, we’ll explain...

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4 min read

Giving Broadband the Green Light Part 1: Why Your Community’s Future Depends on the Internet

Twenty-first-century life demands high-speed Internet. Period. The Internet drives the economy, connects us near and far, helps us stay healthy,...

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1 min read

To Save Telecom, We Need Radical Transparency

The optimists claim 2029 as the year of universal broadband connectivity. It’s easy to get wooed by that estimate when there’s a veritable...

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4 min read

Five Challenges to Closing the Digital Divide and How to Solve Them

Challenge #1: Equipment and material shortages Today's broadband equipment was built for yesterday's approach to building fiber networks. As a...

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3 min read

Have you been sucked into a bad-data orbit? Here’s how to break free.

Bad data has the gravitational pull of Jupiter. It causes problems as massive as a planet for telecommunication networks thanks to errors, missing...

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2 min read

Why You Need Biarri Networks to Win in the High-Speed Broadband Race

The race to connect America with high-speed broadband networks has hit warp speed. The pandemic accelerated years’ worth of digital adoption to a...

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3 min read

Biarri Networks on Hiring and Empowering Women

At Biarri Networks two of our core values are the Freedom to Innovate and Positive Impact. Innovation thrives when different viewpoints are heard,...

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2 min read

Mollie Nycum-Duvnjak Reflects on Women in Tech

I love to read. For those who know me, it’s fairly common knowledge that I tend to read multiple books simultaneously -– switching from one topic to...

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2 min read

Biarri’s Rural Broadband Roundup:  Millions Poured into Rural Broadband Across North America

The new year has set off a flurry of announcements across North America highlighting millions in investment in rural connectivity projects. While...

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