2 min read

Why You Need Biarri Networks to Win in the High-Speed Broadband Race

Why You Need Biarri Networks to Win in the High-Speed Broadband Race

The race to connect America with high-speed broadband networks has hit warp speed. The pandemic accelerated years’ worth of digital adoption to a matter of weeks and months, transforming how we work, learn, shop, interact and play. Infrastructure support from federal, regional and local governments as well as private investors has the potential to reimagine our collective future.

Questions abound. Who will close the digital divide in rural America? Which American cities will be the first to scale smart city solutions? Who will make it possible to connect every home, library, school, workplace and healthcare provider in any given community?

But underneath these questions lies a more essential one: who can build these networks first and do it most cost effectively? Business as usual—incomplete and inaccurate broadband mapping, designing the network piecemeal and by hand, construction halted or redone entirely thanks to bad data—won’t cut it. You need a partner who upends the status quo. You need Biarri Networks.


A partner you can trust

“We’re a trusted partner and advisor to some of the most fast-moving and innovative broadband companies,” said Paul Sulisz, CEO of Biarri Networks. “We know what we’re doing.” Let’s review the proof.

We helped an electric co-op in rural Arkansas save $5.5 million in capital expenses across the network project with our industry-leading approach. We generated a holistic fiber-network design across the seven-county, 27,000-member service area, which meant more accurate costs, efficiencies to reduce fiber-cable usage by 400 miles and a completion timeline two years ahead of schedule. As Paul said, “Our results speak for themselves.”

Local, regional and national government officials; bipartisan lobbyist groups; and regulation advisors rely on us for our insights in shaping both broadband policy and regulation. Recently, we spent two days meeting with a private investor to help build a strategy for connecting cities across the U.S. “We’re getting the attention of the right people,” said Paul.


The best way to design fiber networks

Biarri Networks’ machine-assisted, human-led approach to the planning, design and management of fiber networks leads the industry. We don’t just crunch the data, we standardize it to minimize deployment risks. This approach enables us to quickly develop and then iterate large-scale project designs with data integrity to find the lowest cost and most effective fiber-network plans. “Ours is the best approach; the best technology for the current broadband problem,” said Paul.

How do we know? Because we’re often asked to fix projects that have gone over budget and/or past schedule—“rescue missions” we call them. Traditional engineering firms design the network in small sections as it’s being built. But this means designing and building the network blindly. You can’t get a full picture of total costs; you can’t modify the network’s architecture or equipment. You iterate in real time, with real dollars. In contrast, our approach enables us to iterate up front in a matter of months based on solid data and simple, yet accurate, management. Plus, we bake flexibility into the design from the get-go.


Advanced algorithms coupled with an amazing team

We’ve spent more than a decade honing our unique approach to broadband network autodesign. Optimizing designs? That’s just the beginning. We leverage multiple advanced algorithms for end-to-end project management and maximum efficiency.

The data might drive us, but we always put people first, we center our technologies and systems around people. When our clients, partners and vendors speak, we listen. And we speak to them not in industry jargon but in words and metaphors they can understand. We make agility our priority, addressing problems with custom solutions. Biarri Networks built our business not on making noise, but on repeat clients and their word of mouth.


Want to learn more?

Join us September 27–30, 2021, for the Broadband Communities Summit in Houston, Texas. Attend our panel discussion about the risky business of broadband data. Visit our booth to learn about our new product launch. Can’t make it? Connect with us online. The next generation of broadband networks awaits.

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